I've been missing the blog lately. I have no shortage of things to write about - only a shortage of time at the computer. But it's for very good reason.... and I'll tell you all about it...
Disclaimer: This post may end up being pretty lengthy - but I have loaded it with photos to keep you interested. (Do you guys like the photos? I need visuals or I get bored....) Also, the layout is optimized for my blogpage - it may look really bad in your reader or in the feedburner feed.
My bike-centric training continues... It isn't to the exclusion of everything else but it is where most of my training hours are going at the moment. Here are some pictures from a few recent rides:
(CLICK to enlarge any pictures!)
Batchelor Bay - I stopped in to see how the bay looks in April. It looked very calm, perfect for swimming. Maybe a little chilly though (or a lot). We usually start up our Open Water Season in May (which is very cold, so bright yellow dish gloves are recommended).
This is the swim route.... The second 'buoy' is a small island or rock which is easier to see in the map below. The route has everything - a nice, mellow warm up in protected waters (1st third), a challenging, often wavy and current-y middle (2nd third), and a long, progressively easier home stretch. Add in eagles, seals and a few friends and it is about the best way to enjoy the outdoors. See you in May! (I'm serious. Let me know if you want to come - all (most) abilities welcome.)
Plan view of the swim. Batchelor Bay is close to Whytecliff Park in West Vancouver. The ride was great - about 65km - I cut it a bit short to assist a stranded cyclist near my house. Lent him a tube, changed it for him, used one of my co2 cartridges and then found out the damn thing had a hole in it. By then I was committed to the project of helping this guy so I went to get my car and drove him home.
This ride was not as much of a workout but was pretty much a blast from start to finish. Mattias shook off some early season rust and Aia was a trooper on the 'trail-along' as we circumnavigated Stanley Park (10km). My rental bike's rear tire flatted with about 3km to go - I rode it out which provided a better workout than I had planned.
All told this ride was about 2 hours in length, but it included a photo stop and had a pretty good degree of difficulty. It included 3 good climbs - the most notable being the climb up to SFU (Simon Fraser University) and the final climb back to Lynn Valley.
I am working hard to tune in my climbing as it has always been difficult to drag my 185lbs up a mountain.
OK, so those are some rides from Easter weekend.... I also made my return to Masters yesterday (Monday). I could definitely feel the lay-off but didn't suffer too badly. Misha took it easy on us with a workout made up of mostly shorter, speed sets.
The weekend was also full of lots of great family time - egg decorating and a fantastic Easter Brunch:
The kids dressed up for Easter Brunch. Daddy hiding his belly full of bacon post-brunch.
I know carpentry isn't a normal topic for this blog but I did build an enormous (and quite minimally stylish) baby gate this weekend. It is a veritable Berlin Wall (though that one fell and I don't expect mine to...) - I am quite proud of it.
Hope you had a great Easter.... I never got around to the real reason I have been busy lately. I'll leave that as a cliffhanger for an upcoming post.
Thanks for reading!
Oh, I'll come swim with you - open water practice, I need it;) I need a Berlin while style baby, er, dog gate too. Thanks for the offer!
Great post - your photos are beautiful!
that swim looks like fun. I normally swim at kits but there aren't really any targets, you just swim around there.
And about the flat. I've had the good fortune of only having 1 flat ever on a training ride (which happened last year). And it was the exact same thing. Went through my CO2, thought I had just done it wrong and leaked everywhere, so used my roommates, messed up again only to realize the tube I was using was faulty. I felt like such a noob
So many great pictures. Yes, I love pictures on blogs. (Probably why I always have so many.)
Anyway. The ONE THING I decide to comment on? Gotta love a girl that rides her bike wearing a skirt!! Couldn't get me out of a dress when I was a little girl. You go girlie!
Slow and steady is my swim pace, so if that level of ability is ok, I am totally in to try that route with you guys in May. It looks amazing. I need open water training so giddy up!!
Hey, don't leave us hanging. Spill it!
I do love the pictures, but that water looks cold even from here.
Oh man, take the blind guy out for that open water swim...get lost in the ocean...sounds like a fun day:) hehe.. How far ist hat swim?
Wonderful read, Meryick! Your family pics are so precious (& the kids are so..oo..oo cute)!
Come on.... tell us!!
Love the post and pictures. Clear some time and tell us... come on.
See your open water swim is a reminder that I MUST start fitting that in. I need more time in the day for sure!
Officially the most awesome Easter weekend! And your family rocks!
You are amazing! I love how you are so balanced (life, sport, family, love) just incredible... totally inspiring! Your family is just gorgeous and so it that swim spot...
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