This is an interesting article...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Interesting Article - Prosthetic "Advantages"
Mitsubishi City Chase - CBC TOMORROW!
I thought I'd remind you all to watch the Mitsubishi City Chase on CBC (Channel 3) tomorrow at 8:30pm. Mark and I will be one of the featured teams in the first two episodes.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
5 Peaks Trail Run - Trip Report
Our mini-camping trip was super-awesome! I will say it is a lot of effort for one night though - next time we go for two...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Coming up: 5 Peaks Trail Run (Golden Ears Park)
I just spent about an hour cleaning out my van in preparation for a camping/race trip. There are few things I enjoy more than camping at (or near) a race venue and getting up to toe the line. The fantasy of taking a summer and travelling from race to race in my Westfalia has never really died. How sweet would that be? One day I am going to string together a few races in a road/race trip of some magnitude - alas, a whole summer may be a bit ambitious at this stage in my life.
This weekend the event is the 5 Peaks Trail Race in Golden Ears Park.
Although the plan isn't quite the same as in the fantasy, it should still be pretty awesome. I am bringing Mattias and Aia, and we will be joined by Kevin and his boys at a campground just a minute or two from the race start/finish line. Debbie (a friend from I.F. and Masters) will help us with the kids while we race.
Getting the logistics down for this weekend's events has been a challenge - Deb stepped in to save the day by offering to help with the kid-minding. She has some big open water swim goals for this summer so we are going to "pay" her by doing a couple of good long open water swims with her in Alouette Lake (one on Friday afternoon and one after the races on Saturday.)
The training/racing component of the trip looks like this:
Friday Afternoon: Kevin and I rock/paper/scissors for who swims with Debbie while the other one plays PowerRangers or Dora with the kids.
Saturday AM: Mattias, Ethan and Carter will be locking horns in a winner takes all kids 1km trail race on Saturday morning (escorted by Kevin and I). Debbie will babysit Aia while we are on the trail. (Note: Aia has been asked if she would like to run and has declined - she has stated that she will begin running when she is "old like Mattias".)
Saturday AM: Kevin and I will race the 5 Peaks Trail Race Sport Course (~8.4 km). Deb will hang with the kids. Our 'plan' is to just take it relatively easy... we'll see how that goes. I don't think either of us will enjoy being left behind...
Saturday PM: Another open water swim - this time the guy who missed the swim on friday gets to take to the water with a belly full of burger...
The rest of the weekend will be filled with campfires, more BBQs, playing with the kids... maybe a beer or two. Nothing but good times!
Check out the sweet video of the trail we will be running on HERE.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Epic Roller Ski
Regular readers will recall Tony's plan for us to ski up Cypress Mountain. Roller ski that is... Our first ascent (last week) was rescheduled due to wet conditions. We tackled the mountain for the first time last night.
OF NOTE: We were not alone on the mountain - there were cyclists, mountain bikers, limousines, tourists and about 50 skateboarders. Not the normal skateboarders you might see "shredding" on a curb or handrail downtown.... these guys (and girls) looked like fighter pilots and that's probably because they go almost as fast! Maybe reaching speeds of about 80km/h (that's a guess...). Check out some pictures I found of these skateboard speed racers!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One word - Jealous.
This is Chris Lieto's sweet van.... for some reason I have a van affliction. This may be the coolest one I have ever seen.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Dead Legs - Triple Crown (Well 2.5 Crowns anyway...)
Kevin and I were on the road before 7 this morning.... even so we couldn't manage the entire Triple Crown in 4 hours.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Cooking Post (these are rare...)
I suppose I should try to make a habit of cooking more often. Maybe even often enough that I don't feel the need to document the occasion with a blog post. Well, today it wasn't just that I cooked, it was the awesome result of the cooking act that inspired this rare culinary submission. I could title the post "Fueling" if I wanted to make it fit better with my usual sport-related subject matter, but that would be a stretch... instead this post will stand alone (for now) as an oddity. Don't worry Sacha - I will try to give it some company...
Anyway, today was a rest day... spent hanging out with Sacha and the kids. It culminated with a great team-cooking effort. Check this out:
After - Crispy on the outside, moist on the inside... sitting up this way, all of the grease runs off which is nice.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Warning: This post contains stuff that only a real nerd would care about.
Titanium (pronounced /taɪˈteɪniəm/) is a chemical element with the symbol Ti and atomic number 22. It is a light, strong, lustrous, corrosion-resistant (including to sea water and chlorine) transition metal with a grayish color. - Wikipedia
I have always wanted to find titanium nuts, bolts and washers for my leg. I had asked around but never really applied myself to the task of finding them.... Until today.
It didn't take long. Pacific Fasteners - Burnaby, BC. These guys had a full range of titanium goodies... they also know how to make a buck, but I can't begrudge them the right to make obscene profits when they are the only guys anywhere who have the right stuff.
This is what $111.13 of Titanium bolts, nuts and washers looks like. Steep, I know... but this should be a lifetime supply. AND, how priceless is it to know that components of my leg not only have the highest strength-to-weight ratio of ANY metal, but also come with their own ATOMIC NUMBER?! That is particularly cool.... 22 baby!
The final crowning glory is that each nut, bolt and washer is individually stamped (no, let's say 'engraved') with the symbol 'Ti'.
Welcome to nerd-city, population 1.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Odds and Ends
This post is going to be a bit of a grab bag of odds and ends.... the good news is I found my camera so I took a few pictures this afternoon! No more stealing photos off the internet (and searching for my camera...)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day & CDN Century
In cycling parlance a "century" is a 100 mile ride.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Cypress Hill Climb
Don't they say that the sun is a massive ball of gases or something like that? You can bet that the person who studied the sun enough to figure that out did not hail from our fair city.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Seattle to Portland - The Plan
The next big thing on my calendar is the Group Health Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic - better known as STP. July 12.