It's been some time since I went for a whole week without posting.... my days have been jam packed this week getting ready to leave for Florida.
It has created quite a backlog which I won't be able to tackle in the next day or two. Once I am settled there I should have time to post all sorts of good stuff. (Fingers crossed for wireless internet.)
Tomorrow is an epic day of travel beginning at 7:50am and terminating in Orlando at 11:58pm. We will then have to get to our location in the 'burbs. We will visit Seattle (for 5.5 hours) and Atlanta (for 40 minutes).... if our bikes and bags make that last connection we'll be lucky.
By the way, the WE I keep referring to is Brian and I. Those who have been reading this blog for a while will remember Brian from STP last year. If you don't recall then read HERE.

Sacha, Mattias, Aia, Viggo, Nik (Sacha's brother) and I all did the St. Patrick's Day 5km today. We were joined, in the rain, by Justine and Kate who were coaching some IF customers through their first 5km race.
We had a great morning in Stanley Park despite the somewhat terrible weather. Aia completed her first ever 5km race. She ran, and walked, and skipped and was carried on at least one occasion by her uncle but nevertheless it was quite an impressive accomplishment for a 4 year old.
Mattias followed the race plan perfectly and clocked in somewhere around 33 minutes (results weren't up when I wrote this). Sacha, Viggo (stroller) and I were about 5 seconds back.
BORED. 30 minutes before the race.... we've already been there for 15 minutes. Being super early does not work as well with three kids, but it's easy to be late.... tough to time it just right.
10 minutes before the race - everyone is pretty cold but ready to run.
I will have some more (and better) pictures and some real results in the next few days.
Later in the day Aia and I picked up (and I got fit on) my new road bike. I will have better pictures of that too - in the Florida sun.
So many promises....
Aia being patient at the Bike Gallery.
Look at that little model pose she's got going on there! Too cute. I think all races this weekend were wet and cold.
How sweet -- the little kids running. My girl is 22 and I still can't get her to run, even with the promise (bribe) of taking her to Disneyland for a 1/2 marathon in August. Ugh!
Have a good camp in Florida.
Good luck in Florida! Sounds like you'll be in good company.
Nice job with the family 5k. Have a safe trip to Florida.
Super cute 5K pics! Have a great time in FL!! By the way, I'm part of the Lulu fam now ;-)
Congrats on the new bike... looking forward to checking that beast out!
and talk about setting up shop in the bike gal'!!!! Nice work!
Enjoy the warm weather...
BB message me from FLA, I want some details. Hope your bike and stuff arrived ok, last time I went, the bike arrived but out of 12 people doing IM FL, only 4 of our bags arrived with us.
How AWESOME, a little green family of racing machines! LOVE it! You have me totally pumped up for Kainoa to get into sports!!
ENJOY Florida!!
Dare I say that your son could smoke me in a 5k? True talk.
And you little lass surely has alot of sass. My kinda girl :-)
You have a very beautiful family! Great way to spend St. Patty's.
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