Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Get Out There Magazine

I'd like to take a moment to introduce you all to a great magazine. I am sure many of you are familiar with it already but just in case...

Get Out There Magazine. It's not a magazine you buy in Chapters or Borders for $6.95... you find it at the local running store or at the library door (where I get mine) for the grand sum of $0.00. Or, as they say, "Totally Free".  That's the first good thing, afterall - I would rather spend my money on a bike or a pair of skis to help me "Get Out There".

The second good thing is that it is always on point... by that I mean they seem to gear the magazine to the exact thing you might be thinking about doing when the magazine hits the stand.  And the event calendar is awesome (provided you are someone who likes to "Get Out There").

Three. It's local... there's an east and west edition so we don't have to read about what people like to do in Ontario and Quebec - because we don't have time - we'd rather "Get Out There".

Four. They profile some really cool people..... ha ha.... yes, you guessed it, they profiled me for the current issue (which, if you'll notice by looking at the cover, is "the KEEPER issue" ;) 

Seriously though, they were cool even before they decided to profile me.

You can (and should) read the whole issue HERE.  And heck! ..why not subscribe HERE?

P.S. That is my name, but that is not me skiing across the cover (above)...

P.P.S. My article is below... click to enlarge.

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Unknown said...

Very cool! That's a great article - and a tad more impressive than my letter to the editor in Runner's World this month. Congratulations!

Linda Pendleton said...

Great interview! Congratulations.