Thursday, February 12, 2009

Meyrick Jones Racing launches YouTube Channel

I'd like to introduce you all to the home of Meyrick Jones Racing on YouTube!

I know many of you may be thinking, 

"Is he trying to become the most famous person in the world?"

The answer is "no".  Although, if I was close this channel would probably be the clincher ;)

The channel will help me reach a wide audience of viewers and hopefully many will convert into readers for this blog.  For instance, the Zion video (which wasn't even very good) has already been viewed 400+times - once there are a few dozen videos up there it will result in a lot of eyeballs.

Since most people search YouTube using keywords and phrases I think it will be a great and easy way to reach amputees and hopefully to inform, inspire, educate and entertain them (and perhaps others).  I got the idea recently after Loren Schubert, a BCIT Prosthetics Student used me as the subject of his school project.  He created a DVD that focused on me and my prosthetics - it features 3 sports (running, cycling and roller skiing), lots of tips, tricks and educational stuff.  

Go to MJR on YouTube and check them out - there are 13 because Loren had to divide the DVD up into smaller sections to make them more digestable. 

Here is a sample:

OK.  Hope you guys will enjoy the videos I am going to be putting up in the near future...

Next post will be an update on my plan for 2009.  I have it pretty much dialed in and I am pumped!

Tweet this!


jameson said...

awesome dude! No I have something to get through the rest of the day at work.

Ryan D said...

Dude, you are the man. thats an incredible idea, and i hope it gets the word out the way you want to. i really dig the video!

Linda Pendleton said...

What a great idea...and you are such an inspiration to us amputees! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure a lot of people will gain new understanding from your information, and lots of inspiration. I watched your whole series of videos--great job!

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

Mike said...

Cool! Small world man, I just received this DVD in the mail from Cliff and Shannon Schubert, two friends of mine from Victoria and members of Loren's family. They didn't know I was following your blog and have no connection with my Dad who sent me your contact info originally. How cool is that?!?!